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💥 OpenAI Proxy Server

LiteLLM Server manages:

  • Calling 100+ LLMs Huggingface/Bedrock/TogetherAI/etc. in the OpenAI ChatCompletions & Completions format
  • Set custom prompt templates + model-specific configs (temperature, max_tokens, etc.)

Quick Start​

View all the supported args for the Proxy CLI here

$ litellm --model huggingface/bigcode/starcoder

#INFO: Proxy running on


In a new shell, run, this will make an request. Ensure you're using openai v1.0.0+

litellm --test

This will now automatically route any requests for gpt-3.5-turbo to bigcode starcoder, hosted on huggingface inference endpoints.

Using LiteLLM Proxy - Curl Request, OpenAI Package​

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data ' {
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "what llm are you"

Supported LLMs​

$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=""
$ export AWS_REGION_NAME="" # e.g. us-west-2
$ litellm --model bedrock/anthropic.claude-v2

Server Endpoints​

  • POST /chat/completions - chat completions endpoint to call 100+ LLMs
  • POST /completions - completions endpoint
  • POST /embeddings - embedding endpoint for Azure, OpenAI, Huggingface endpoints
  • GET /models - available models on server

Using with OpenAI compatible projects​

LiteLLM allows you to set openai.api_base to the proxy server and use all LiteLLM supported LLMs in any OpenAI supported project

This tutorial assumes you're using the `big-refactor` branch of LM Harness

Step 1: Start the local proxy

$ litellm --model huggingface/bigcode/starcoder

Using a custom api base

$ export HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY=my-api-key #[OPTIONAL]
$ litellm --model huggingface/tinyllama --api_base

OpenAI Compatible Endpoint at

Step 2: Set OpenAI API Base & Key


LM Harness requires you to set an OpenAI API key OPENAI_API_SECRET_KEY for running benchmarks

export OPENAI_API_SECRET_KEY=anything

Step 3: Run LM-Eval-Harness

python3 -m lm_eval \
--model openai-completions \
--model_args engine=davinci \
--task crows_pairs_english_age

Proxy Configs​

The Config allows you to set the following params

Param NameDescription
model_listList of supported models on the server, with model-specific configs
litellm_settingslitellm Module settings, example litellm.drop_params=True, litellm.set_verbose=True, litellm.api_base
general_settingsServer settings, example setting master_key: sk-my_special_key

Example Config​

- model_name: zephyr-alpha
litellm_params: # params for litellm.completion() -
model: huggingface/HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-alpha
- model_name: zephyr-beta
model: huggingface/HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta
api_base: https://<my-hosted-endpoint>

drop_params: True
set_verbose: True

master_key: sk-1234 # [OPTIONAL] Only use this if you to require all calls to contain this key (Authorization: Bearer sk-1234)

Multiple Models - Quick Start​

Here's how you can use multiple llms with one proxy config.yaml.

Step 1: Setup Config​

- model_name: zephyr-alpha # the 1st model is the default on the proxy
litellm_params: # params for litellm.completion() -
model: huggingface/HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-alpha
- model_name: gpt-4
model: gpt-4
api_key: sk-1233
- model_name: claude-2
model: claude-2
api_key: sk-claude

Default Model - Config:​

The proxy uses the first model in the config as the default model - in this config the default model is zephyr-alpha

Step 2: Start Proxy with config​

$ litellm --config /path/to/config.yaml

Step 3: Start Proxy with config​

If you're repo let's you set model name, you can call the specific model by just passing in that model's name -

Step 4: Use proxy​

Curl Command

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data ' {
"model": "zephyr-alpha",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "what llm are you"

Save Model-specific params (API Base, API Keys, Temperature, Headers etc.)​

You can use the config to save model-specific information like api_base, api_key, temperature, max_tokens, etc.

Step 1: Create a config.yaml file

- model_name: gpt-4-team1
litellm_params: # params for litellm.completion() -
model: azure/chatgpt-v-2
api_version: "2023-05-15"
azure_ad_token: eyJ0eXAiOiJ
- model_name: gpt-4-team2
model: azure/gpt-4
api_key: sk-123
- model_name: mistral-7b
model: ollama/mistral
api_base: your_ollama_api_base
headers: {
"HTTP-Referer": "",
"X-Title": "LiteLLM Server"

Step 2: Start server with config

$ litellm --config /path/to/config.yaml

Model Alias​

Set a model alias for your deployments.

In the config.yaml the model_name parameter is the user-facing name to use for your deployment.

In the config below requests with model=gpt-4 will route to ollama/zephyr

- model_name: text-davinci-003
model: ollama/zephyr
- model_name: gpt-4
model: ollama/llama2
- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
model: ollama/llama2

Multiple Instances of 1 model​

If you have multiple instances of the same model,

in the config.yaml just add all of them with the same 'model_name', and the proxy will handle routing requests (using LiteLLM's Router).

In the config below requests with model=zephyr-beta will be routed across multiple instances of HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta

- model_name: zephyr-beta
model: huggingface/HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta
- model_name: zephyr-beta
model: huggingface/HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta
- model_name: zephyr-beta
model: huggingface/HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta

Set Custom Prompt Templates​

LiteLLM by default checks if a model has a prompt template and applies it (e.g. if a huggingface model has a saved chat template in it's tokenizer_config.json). However, you can also set a custom prompt template on your proxy in the config.yaml:

Step 1: Save your prompt template in a config.yaml

# Model-specific parameters
- model_name: mistral-7b # model alias
litellm_params: # actual params for litellm.completion()
model: "huggingface/mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1"
api_base: "<your-api-base>"
api_key: "<your-api-key>" # [OPTIONAL] for hf inference endpoints
initial_prompt_value: "\n"
roles: {"system":{"pre_message":"<|im_start|>system\n", "post_message":"<|im_end|>"}, "assistant":{"pre_message":"<|im_start|>assistant\n","post_message":"<|im_end|>"}, "user":{"pre_message":"<|im_start|>user\n","post_message":"<|im_end|>"}}
final_prompt_value: "\n"
bos_token: "<s>"
eos_token: "</s>"
max_tokens: 4096

Step 2: Start server with config

$ litellm --config /path/to/config.yaml

Debugging Proxy​

Run the proxy with --debug to easily view debug logs

litellm --model gpt-3.5-turbo --debug

When making requests you should see the POST request sent by LiteLLM to the LLM on the Terminal output

POST Request Sent from LiteLLM:
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer sk-qnWGUIW9****************************************' \
-d '{"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "this is a test request, write a short poem"}]}'

Logging Proxy Input/Output - Langfuse​

We will use the --config to set litellm.success_callback = ["langfuse"] this will log all successfull LLM calls to langfuse

Step 1 Install langfuse

pip install langfuse

Step 2: Create a config.yaml file and set litellm_settings: success_callback

- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
model: gpt-3.5-turbo
success_callback: ["langfuse"]

Step 3: Start the proxy, make a test request

Start proxy

litellm --config config.yaml --debug

Test Request

litellm --test

Expected output on Langfuse

Proxy CLI Arguments​


  • Default: ''
  • The host for the server to listen on.
  • Usage:
    litellm --host


  • Default: 8000
  • The port to bind the server to.
  • Usage:
    litellm --port 8080


  • Default: 1
  • The number of uvicorn workers to spin up.
  • Usage:
    litellm --num_workers 4


  • Default: None
  • The API base for the model litellm should call.
  • Usage:
    litellm --model huggingface/tinyllama --api_base


  • Default: None
  • For Azure services, specify the API version.
  • Usage:
    litellm --model azure/gpt-deployment --api_version 2023-08-01 --api_base https://<your api base>"

--model or -m​

  • Default: None
  • The model name to pass to Litellm.
  • Usage:
    litellm --model gpt-3.5-turbo


  • Type: bool (Flag)
  • Proxy chat completions URL to make a test request.
  • Usage:
    litellm --test


  • Default: None
  • An alias for the model, for user-friendly reference.
  • Usage:
    litellm --alias my-gpt-model


  • Default: False
  • Type: bool (Flag)
  • Enable debugging mode for the input.
  • Usage:
    litellm --debug


  • Default: None
  • Type: float
  • Set the temperature for the model.
  • Usage:
    litellm --temperature 0.7


  • Default: None
  • Type: int
  • Set the maximum number of tokens for the model output.
  • Usage:
    litellm --max_tokens 50


  • Default: 600
  • Type: int
  • Set the timeout in seconds for completion calls.
  • Usage:
    litellm --request_timeout 300


  • Type: bool (Flag)
  • Drop any unmapped params.
  • Usage:
    litellm --drop_params


  • Type: bool (Flag)
  • If a function passed but unsupported, pass it as a part of the prompt.
  • Usage:
    litellm --add_function_to_prompt


  • Configure Litellm by providing a configuration file path.
  • Usage:
    litellm --config path/to/config.yaml


  • Default: True
  • Type: bool
  • Help track usage of this feature.
  • Usage:
    litellm --telemetry False